Author: Admin

From 2009-2011 I lost over 100 lbs. When people hear that, they always look surprised and say a bunch of nice things. It makes me feel...

In the early days of our gym we did a lot to spark up interest, inspire our clientele, and attract new members. A standard recipe for...

I was once very unhealthy and on a path to medications, high doctor bills and discomfort. The picture below was me at 30. I was at...

“You know I need to get into better shape. I use to be in such awesome shape. I should probably join a gym soon, but I...

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I posted a Facebook video the other day that went off on HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training). The video was shared a number of times and...

This blog is going to kick off our series on Core Values. Recently much of our writing has been less about “fitness” and more about achieving...

Since making the switch from powerlifting to triathlons, the transition hasn’t been as hard as I originally thought. Ok well, learning to swim for distance was...

STOP IT! Seriously Stop it already. Stop quitting. Stop telling yourself the story of why you can’t achieve your goals or why this is too hard,...

Here is the truth, You probably just don’t want it bad enough. Think about something you have achieved in life that too k substantial effort. I...

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