Category: Competition Prep

What not to do on the Deadlift The Deadlift is one of the Big 3 in the sport of Powerlifting, something we take seriously at Tucson...

QUICK guide to weightlifting shoes We see so many lifters show up to the gym with the latest and greatest in equipment. Everything from the hottest...

YOUR TRAINER ISN’T A POWERLIFTING COACH Powerlifting is the definition of an inclusive sport. When you come to a competition you will see people ranging in...

You train 4 days per week banging out the iron and love it. Now you want to put your hard work on the platform and focus...

I speak with many gym regulars asking me about wanting to train for their first powerlifting meet. The sport has become more accessible over the past...

Alan Iverson, arguably one of the most talented stars to ever play in the NBA will be immortalized for the video above talking about practice. I...

There are numerous things to plan out on meet day. Failing to have a realistic and sound plan can be a recipe for ruining months of...

Focusing on improving maximal strength is trending. Putting up impressive numbers has become popularized on social media. Seeing 140lb women deadlifting 300+lbs is a common occurrence...

Enough with the squat posts already!!! These are the thoughts in my head as I am once again blasting out a blog on squats. How many...

The squat is one of my favorite exercises. It is a full body exercise that develops full body strength and power. Unfortunately, it is one of...

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