Tag: fitness

Focusing on improving maximal strength is trending. Putting up impressive numbers has become popularized on social media. Seeing 140lb women deadlifting 300+lbs is a common occurrence...

Fitness can be an uphill battle. It is tough and a lot to maneuver through. The most important thing to have is Grit and perseverance. You...

Me: “Tell me about your goals?” Potential Client: “I really want to lose some weight.” Me: “So tell me about your nutrition?” Potential Client: “I eat...

Handle Your Shit… This has been my tagline for close to a decade. I stole it from a close friend and training partner years ago and...

If you are looking for the cheapest membership around we are not your solution. We won’t compete on price with a race to the bottom that...

Tucson Strength, (formerly Evolution Fitness), has been a around for nearly nine years. If you’ve been around for a while, you know things are rarely stagnant:...

The ab wheel has been around my entire life. I remember seeing them around as kid in the 1970s. I remember when I first started working...

Planks are one of the most commonly used exercises to train the “core”. Unfortunately most people plop down into a plank and end up completely disengaged....

ROTATIONAL BALL THROWS I see this exercise done on YouTube videos all the time. It really makes me cringe watching people wasting time by throwing a...

There are numerous variations of doing a pull-up. To clarify, a pull-up is hands over the bar. Hands under is a chin-up and both are awesome....

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